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In Hvidovre there are 32 daycare facilities out of which 12 are independent. The Municipality offers different forms of childcare facilities. You can choose between childminding, day nursery, kindergarten and a combined daycare institution. The childcare options available depend on your child’s age.

Childminding is for children aged 0-3 years. The children are looked after in the childminder’s own home, where they engage in activities depending on their needs, well-being and development.

Day nurseries are for children aged 0-3 years and employ qualified social educators and assistant social educators. At the nursery your child’s development, well-being, play and learning will be supported and encouraged.

A kindergarten is a daycare institution for children from the age of 3 and until they start school. Qualified social educators and assistant social educators ensure that your child is offered a wide range of experiences and activities, preparing it for the challenges it will encounter at school.


The combined daycare institutions are a combination of a day nursery and kindergarten, and are for children aged 26 weeks up until they start school.

The Municipality pays a large share of the costs of childcare, but the remaining part is paid by the parents.

To get a childcare place and for information about rates and free places in Hvidovre, please contact the Childcare Administration (Pladsanvisningen)